General Privacy Notice 

Version 1.0

This policy was last updated in September 2024. While we will never deviate from our overall philosophy of maintaining your privacy, we may update this policy again in the future and will publish any subsequent versions of it here. 

Maintaining your privacy is really important to us. You entrust us with sensitive personal and financial information, and we take that responsibility seriously.

1. Who are we?

4th Revolution Analytics limited (“we”, “us”, “our”) is a data analytics consultancy, helping organisations to derive greater value from their data. 

Our General Privacy Notice explains how we, as a data controller, collect, store and process personal data when you browse our sites and  (the “4th website”), use the 4th Sight service/application (“4th Sight”) or otherwise provide personal data to us. Please read this privacy notice carefully to understand how we will treat your data, including personal data. 

2. What information do we collect and receive?

Your personal data 

When we say “personal data”, we mean any information that relates to and identifies a living person. Personal data will be contained in the information that you provide to us or that is provided during your interactions with us or our service, or in the information that you authorise a third party to give to us on your behalf. 

When it comes to your personal data, we comply in full with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection legislation. With reference to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), 4th Sight does not sell, rent, release, disclose, disseminate, make available, transfer, or otherwise communicate personal information to another business or a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. 

Information you provide 

Your personal data includes the information you provide to us when you: 

  • sign up for a 4th Sight account 
  • sign up to receive our emails or communications 
  • participate in or answer questionnaires or surveys, provide feedback or enter competitions 
  • provide information in your 4th Sight account profile 
  • provide information during a support enquiry about you and/or your organisation 
  • provide information when you complete any forms which you submit to us,  
  • provide information via an upload or data transfer to your 4th Sight account 


Examples of this personal data include name, email address, contact number, as well as any correspondence sent by you when you contact us.. 

4th Sight has no requirement to collect or process any special categories of personal data, as defined under GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, in order to provide the service. In addition, we do not knowingly collect or solicit any personal data from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to register for 4th Sight. 4th Sight is not directed at children under the age of 18. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal data from a child under age 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. 

It is your responsibility to safeguard your login information and control third party account access. You also need to make sure you have made suitable disclosures and, where applicable, have obtained any relevant consents or permissions necessary for you to upload the data of others (such as suppliers, employees and clients) to 4th Sight and for that data to be used as set out in this notice. If, at any time, you want to prevent third party access to your 4th Sight account, please contact [email protected].  

Information we collect 

We collect information about your usage of our service and website to improve our service, understand trends and enhance and customise content and campaigns. Some of this data may be personal data, where it relates to an identifiable person. We collect your information and use it to: 

  • monitor patterns of usage, such as login dates and volumes of data, so we can understand how people are using 4th Sight, keep 4th Sight secure and to develop and improve our products 
  • monitor patterns of usage so that we can tailor any communications we may send to you or advertising that you may receive. For example, we may tailor a newsletter with information about product features that you haven’t tried yet, instead of features that you use frequently. We want the content of our communications to be relevant and useful to you 
  • aid in our monitoring of usage patterns and for security reasons, we log your Internet Protocol (IP) address when you use our website (this is the individual identification number that is assigned to your computer when it’s connected to the internet) 
  • monitor traffic information to our website and emails, including page visits, email clicks, purchases, referring sites, and video viewings. We use this information to improve our website, advertising, promotions, and to understand customer behaviour. Please see section 10 below regarding our notice on cookies 

3. What do we use your personal data for? 

We collect and use your personal data for a variety of business reasons. We need some of the data to enter into and perform our contract with you (and if relevant, with the party who set up and manages your 4th Sight account), maintain the security of our systems and provide you with access to 4th Sight. This data includes your contact details and other information requested during the 4th Sight setup process. If you fail to provide this data, or refuse to do so, we may be unable to provide our service to you. 

All the processing we carry out is underpinned by a set of processing conditions. These are the legal bases under which we have the authority to collect, use and store your personal information. The following is a summary of how these could apply to you within the 4th Sight service. 

Contractual necessity 

We will process data where it is necessary to enter into a contract with you (and if relevant, with the party who set up and manages your 4th Sight account) for the provision of the 4th Sight service or to perform our obligations under that contract. Please note that if you do not agree to provide us with certain requested information it may be difficult for the service to operate as intended or at all. Examples include: 

  • processing and reviewing applications for the 4th Sight service, products and services available from or through 4th Sight. 
  • executing your instructions; processing transactions, providing support or advice, resolving any queries or discrepancies and administering any changes 
  • receiving calls or emails to our support team 
  • managing and maintaining our relationships with you and for ongoing customer service 
  • communicating with you about the service and products you receive from us or via the 4th Sight service 
  • delivering mandatory communications to users of the service, providing service messages, publishing revised disclosures or terms and conditions 

Please note – you will retain complete discretion to terminate your account with 4th Sight where we/you consider that it does not meet your needs or expectations. 

Legal obligation 

When you elect to use the 4th Sight service, we are required by law to collect and process certain personal information about you. Please be aware that, should you refuse to provide us with certain mandatory information, it may not be possible for you to access the service. Examples include: 

  • confirming your identity and protecting against fraud as part of a model for secure access 
  • performing checks on the service and monitoring transactions and location data for the purpose of preventing and detecting crime and to comply with laws relating to money laundering, sanctions, fraud, terrorist financing, bribery and corruption 
  • sharing information with police, law enforcement, tax authorities or other government and fraud prevention agencies where we have a legal obligation to do so, including reporting suspicious activity and complying with production and court orders 
  • conducting investigations into suspected criminal acts, breaches of conduct and corporate policies 
  • evidencing and substantiating our accounts, revenue and billing to our auditors, regulators and any other approved third party 


Legitimate interests 

We may process your personal data within 4th Sight where it is in our or a third party’s legitimate interests to do so, and without prejudicing your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Examples include: 

  • delivering service insights and personalised recommendations to you which help to maximise your use of 4th Sight and its products and services, or those products and services from our parent company and trusted third parties 
  • investigating, handling and resolving any complaints, queries or requests 
  • providing you with updates about the 4th Sight service and its functionality, including new features and services 
  • analysing your personal data so that we can administer, support, improve and develop our business, customer service and features of the 4th Sight service. We may use third parties to assist us in performing these activities from time to time and, in those cases, we may pass on your personal and/or financial data to them. We will only share your data with third parties that we trust, and when there are assurances in place as to how they will protect the data 
  • performing assessments and analysing customer information for the purposes of managing, improving and fixing data quality 
  • providing assurance that we have effective processes to identify, manage, monitor and report on the risks 4th Sight might be exposed to (e.g. security, fraud and client confidentiality) 
  • improving your experience of the 4th Sight service by: 
  • gathering feedback from you on your use of and interactions within our service 
  • assessing your use of our service 
  • tracking your interactions with our service to tailor the content 
  • recording and monitoring communications to our telephone and online helplines 
  • recording information about you that considers your welfare or vulnerability needs including any adjustments, support or different products or services which might be suitable or protections to put in place 
  • taking action if we need to defend our legal rights under our Terms of Service if you misuse the service or act in a way which contravenes laws, regulations or our Terms of Service 
  • tracking and analysing your use of our service to prepare reports on its performance 
  • sharing anonymous or aggregate data in order to get you the best deals available on associated products and services, or with trusted third parties for research purposes 
  • validating your information (and, in some cases, matching it against information that has been collected by a third party, for example Companies House) to check that the data we hold is accurate, consistent and current 
  • monitoring anonymous, aggregated information about accounting and financial data so that we can produce insights about small business finance. For example, based on an anonymous, aggregate data analysis, we may produce a white paper that reports on how most small businesses are not paid on time 
  • performing research and trend analysis to optimise your experience of the service 
  • developing and enhancing our data models to improve the accuracy of the service and your insights 
  • Engaging our users by: 
  1. gathering your feedback on the service 
  2. reporting at an aggregate level on the user experience and service performance 
  3. engaging and communicating with our users on social media and via SMS/email 
  4. providing you with detailed information on your account activity 
  5. using your personal information in an anonymised and aggregated form to create content to include in: 
  6. infographics, industry reports and media campaigns 
  7. blog posts and videos on the 4th Sight service 
  8. emails that inform users about the success and performance of the service 
  9. posts from social media accounts owned and operated by 4th Sight 
  10. ensure business continuity and disaster recovery and respond to information technology and business incidents and emergencies 
  11. ensure network and information security for the purpose of preventing cyber-attacks, unauthorised use of our telecommunications systems and websites, prevention and detection of crime and protection of your personal data 
  12. protect our legal rights and interests 
  13. enable a proposed or actual sale, reorganisation, transfer or other transaction relating to our business 
  14. send you relevant marketing information where you have not opted out (or where you have provided your permission) 
  15. assess the quality of our customer services and to provide staff training. Calls, video calls and other communications may be recorded and monitored for these purposes 



We may rely on consent for the following: 

  • where we collect your permission for sending marketing 
  • any other processing where we request your consent

 4. Who do we share your information with? 

Supplier and third-party arrangements 

As part of the service, we may need to share your personal information outside 4th Sight. There are limited circumstances in which we would do this and we will always have a compelling business reason to do so. Examples of when we will share your information include, but is not limited to: 

  • when we have your permission to do so 
  • when you ask us to share your information as part of the service or a connected product you are interested in so that we can tailor your experience 
  • when part of the service, or a product you are interested in, is supported or provided by a third party outside 4th Sight 
  • when we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal or financial data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation 
  • to cooperate with law enforcement officials, judicial bodies, government entities, tax authorities or regulatory bodies in the investigation of unlawful activities of 4th Sight users or relating to 4th Sight users; or in order to enforce or apply any contract with you; or to protect our rights, property, or the safety of our employees, customers or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction 
  • sharing with suppliers, sub-contractors and advisors who support the operation of the service, provide information or manage connected products 
  • sharing with third parties in the event that we, our business, or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party (in which case, personal information about customers will be one of the transferred assets) 
  • passing aggregate information on the usage of the 4th Sight service, where relevant, to maintain, improve and manage the 4th Sight service or for the purposes of research 
  • with social media companies (in a secure format) or other third party advertisers and marketing companies so they can display or send relevant messages to you and other or compile information relevant to marketing to you about our products and services on our behalf. Third party advertisers may also use information about your previous web activity to tailor adverts which are displayed to you 

We will always take steps to ensure that the safety and security of your information is maintained. We will implement and maintain technical and organisational measures for each transfer of personal information and mandate that our partners and third parties do the same. No ownership rights to the data will be transferred to any third party, unless otherwise notified. 

We will not share your information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without your permission. 


Transferring information overseas 

We will, from time to time, have to transfer your information to third parties or organisations in other countries. This will only happen on the basis that any party which we pass your information to will protect it in the same way that we would and in accordance with applicable laws. 

In the event that we transfer information to countries outside of the European Economic Area (which includes countries in the European Union as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), we will only do so when: 

  • the European Commission has decided that the country or the organisation we are sharing your information with will protect your information adequately 
  • the transfer has been authorised by the relevant data protection authority 
  • we have entered into a valid contract with the third party or organisation with which we are sharing your information (on terms approved by the European Commission) to ensure your information is adequately protected 

5. How long do we store your data for? 

We only store your data for as long as is necessary for the purposes of processing that are set out in this notice 

If you are signed up to marketing communications, cancelling your 4th Sight account will not automatically cancel your marketing preferences. If you would like to unsubscribe, please email [email protected]

6. You can delete your data at any time

Provided your request is reasonable and there is no legal basis for us to retain it, then at our discretion we may agree to your request to delete personal data that you have posted. You can make a request by contacting us at [email protected]. 

We retain historical details about your payments to 4th Sight for accounting purposes because we are required by law to do so. We will only retain these for as long as we need them. 

When your account is deleted, we may also choose to anonymise your Personal Data so that you cannot be identified. This is often used to ensure that we keep relevant records and logs, without impacting your rights or freedoms. 

7. What are your rights

  • Access to your personal data: You have a right to get access to the personal information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of the personal information we hold about you, please contact us at [email protected]. 
  • Right to change or withdraw your consent: Where you have given us consent to make use of your personal data for any of the purposes outlined in this notice, you may withdraw that consent by contacting us using the details located in section 12 of this notice.  
  • Right to rectification: You have a right to rectification of inaccurate personal information and to update incomplete personal information. If you need to update out-of-date or inaccurate information we hold about you, contact us at [email protected]. 
  • Right to erasure: You are free to delete your data at any point, please contact us at [email protected]. You may request that we delete your personal information if you believe that: 
  1. we no longer need to process your information for the purposes for which it was provided 
  2. we have requested your permission to process your personal information where required for a particular purpose and you wish to withdraw your consent 
  3. we are not using your information in a lawful manner 


Please note that if you request that we delete your information, we may have to suspend the operation of your account and/or the products and services we provide to you. The right to erasure also only applies to certain data and there are exceptions. For more information or to make a request, please get in touch. 

  • Right to object: You have a right to object to us processing your personal information (and to request us to restrict processing), unless we can demonstrate compelling and legitimate grounds for the processing, which may override your own interests, or where we need to process your information to investigate and protect us or others from legal claims. Please note that if you object to us processing your information, we may have to suspend the operation of the product or service we provide to you. If you would like to object to our processing of your personal information, please get in touch. 
  • Right to restrict processing: You may request that we restrict processing your personal information if you believe that: 
  1. any of the information that we hold about you is inaccurate 
  2. we no longer need to process your information for the purposes for which it was provided, but you require the information to establish, exercise or defend legal claims 
  3. we are not using your information in a lawful manner 


Please note that if you request that we restrict processing your information, we may have to suspend the products or services we provide to you. If you wish to exercise your right to restrict processing, please get in touch. 

  • Make a complaint: You have the right to make a complaint about our data processing activities to a supervisory authority. In the UK this is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Further details can be found on their website. In line with the ICO’s guidance, please raise your complaint with us first so we may try to address your concerns. 
  • Getting in touch: To make enquiries and/or to exercise any of your rights as outlined in this privacy notice please contact our team at [email protected]. 

8. Use of cookies

Cookies are small files saved to your device that track, save and store information about your interactions and usage of our services. The primary purpose for our use of cookies is to allow us to provide a smooth, efficient and personalised experience for our users, both on and off our website, through remembering your preferences, securely storing your password (if requested) and serving you more relevant advertising. 

If you want to manage or disable cookies for the 4th website or any other site, you can do so by changing your browser settings. Please bear in mind that disabling functional cookies may impair the availability and/or functionality of the 4th Sight service. We suggest consulting the “Help” section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers.  

9. Security and data storage

We take security and privacy seriously. We will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep your personal and financial data secure once it has been transferred to our systems. We adopt appropriate, industry-standard data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction 

Where we utilise third parties to help provide our services, we will always ensure that, as a minimum, the security policies and confidentiality arrangements of those third parties adhere to the same requirements that we impose and expect. 

Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password that enables you to access certain parts of the 4th website or 4th Sight itself, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. 

We shall periodically check that the personal data we store for you is accurate. If you would like to update the personal data we hold about you, please contact us at [email protected] with your request. 

Please note that the internet is not a secure medium and although we will do our best to protect your data, we cannot guarantee the security of any data transmitted to 4th Sight. Any such transmission is at your own risk. 

10. Changes to this privacy notice 

We may modify or update this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect the changes in our business and practices, so you should review this page periodically. When we change the notice in a material manner, we will let you know (either by email or in-app notification) and will update the ‘last updated’ header at the top of this page.

11. Getting in touch

If you have any queries relating to this Privacy Notice or 4th Sight’s use of your personal or financial data, please contact our support team at [email protected]. Alternatively, our office address is noted below. 


4th Sight Support 

71-75 Shelton Street,  

Covent Garden,  


United Kingdom,  

[email protected]